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Friday, 6 September 2013

some ideas for your visit to Le Marche

Make Pasta & Mozzarella:
Cooking class at home with one of our chefs. Make your own mozzarella, ricotta or pecorino, your home made piadine, served with your choice of prociutto crudo and rucola, learn how to create delicious ricotta tortellini and much more!

Sibillini National Park:
Discover the magical Sibillini National Park, vast highlands smothered in wilsflowers, canyon burrowing deep into mountainsides and accessible ridges with breathtaking views. A lunch in the beautiful village of Castellucio di Norcia would be a perfect combination.

The adriatic sea around the Monte Conero:
The Marches is like Tuscany, plus the Adriatic sea... Just drive for the day straight to the Monte Conero Riviera. Wild nature, white beaches, crystal clear water, untouched from mass tourism.
Rent your own private boat from Numana's marina and end up in Portonovo with a couple of stops to swim in the exclusive waters of one of the most beautiful environments in Europe. A delicious seafood menu will be served on board...

A day touring the wine region of Le Marche is the best way to taste and experience the area. Le Marche produces some of the best wines of Italy that you never knew existed. Let's start the discovery with our passionnate sommeliers Amy & Mirco.

Truffe hunting in fall:
If you're going truffle hunting then the best chance of finding any is Acqualagna, in Pesaro-Urbino Province, 1 hour from Casa Olivi, as it suplies two thirds of the italian market.
Experience a fantastic day with experts and dogs in local woodland, with private transportation in our defender and lunch in one of the best adresses of Le Marche.

Off road in Le Marche:
A tour rich in culture, architecture, beautiful lanscape and wild unspoilt countryside. Carriage rides along naturalistic ways into the rural landscapes of Treia, slow drive on the small roads with our 1968 Triumph Spitfire MK3, or try some real 4x4 off roads with our brand new Defender...

Monday, 5 August 2013

New Airport in Sicily

Author: K J S
When planning a holiday, straightforward access to information about possible choices is an important part of the process. It should only require a few clicks to discover the dream place that will forge wonderful memories; the amount of time busy professionals and parents can dedicate to this task is after all limited. As for the convenience of renting a house or booking flights and hotels on-line, it plays a major role. Finally, the global budget that can be allocated to the trip has to be considered and low-cost airlines can quickly become a favourite way of travelling, especially for families.
For the countries and regions that depend heavily on tourism as a mean of income, often primary, good infrastructures and easy connections to their beautiful landscapes and wonders are a must. The South of Europe is a prime example: Italy, Spain and Portugal have all earned the status of beloved destinations over the years and developed accordingly. A dense network of motorways, roads, trains and flights nowadays gives the eager traveller several options to get to the chosen vacation spot. The news that an additional airport in Sicily was about to become a reality was therefore very welcome.
The airport of Comiso opened at the end of May 2013, with perfect timing in regard of the holiday season. The first airline to announce its presence was low cost company Ryanair, with liaisons from Brussels Charleroi, London Stansted and Rome Ciampino. Charter flights from Malta are now also available and further airlines have announced flights in the near future.
This new civil airport was built on a NATO airbase that had fallen into disuse. The refurbishment work started back in 2004 and lasted five years. Its location in the Southeast part of Sicily makes it attractive to people dreaming about the magnificent beaches on offer. It is also an ideal base to visit the many wonderful baroque towns scattered around the island, such as Modica or Ragusa, as well as fascinating historical sites. Another advantage for Comiso is that it represents an alternative should the airport of Catania end up being temporarily closed due to ashes coming from Mount Etna. The car journey between the two airports only lasts about an hour.
Ryanair is obviously confident in the success of this new route also outside of the summer season, as the company has already announced it will be included into its winter schedule.

Article Source:
About the Author
Writer, blogger, social media & MarCom consultant. First novel in progress.

Thursday, 20 June 2013

Fisch Couscous aus Sizilien

Das Fisch Cous Cous aus Sizilien ist meiner Ansicht nach besonders gut, weil es angebratenes Gemüse mit dem Fisch kombiniert.

Zutaten für 10 Personen:
1 Kg Couscous
2 Kg Fisch und/oder Garnelen, je nach dem, was man findet
1 Zwiebel
2 Knoblauchzehen
100 gr. Tomaten püriert
1 Aubergine
2 Zucchini
1 rote Paprika
2 Kartoffeln
2 Karotten
ein Glas Weisswein


Waschen Sie den Fisch.
Öl in einem grossen Topf, am Besten eine Couscoussiera oder auch einem Spaghettitopf mit Sieb, erhitzen, zerhackte Zwiebel und Knoblauch hinzufügen. Dann den Fisch. Anbraten.
Dann das Glas Wein und danach die pürierten Tomaten. Salzen.
Das ganze bei geringer Hitze 30 Min. zugedeckt kochen lassen.

Nun braten wir das kleingemachte Gemüse in einem 2. Topf mit Olivenöl an bis es gar ist.

Wenn die Fischsuppe fertig ist, Gräten und alles, was nicht essbar ist vom Fisch, entfernen.

Dann fügen wir das Gemüse hinzu und stellen das Sieb mit Couscous gefüllt in den Topf und erhitzen mit geschlossenem Deckel.
5 Minuten reichen um den Couscous zu garen.

Danach servieren wir den Couscous und darauf die Fischstücke. Die Fischbrühe wird getrennt auf den Tisch gestellt und je nach Lust bedient sich jeder.

Buon appetito!

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Apertivo a Roma

Ein ganz persönlicher Tipp für Rom:

Enoteca Il Goccetto
In Via dei Banchi Nuovi im Zentrum, nicht weit von Piazza Farnese, eine sehr gute Weinauswahl, leckere Käse und Salumi, geht einmal hin zum aperitivo